The head of the Leningrad region, Alexander Drozdenko, met with female entrepreneurs from different parts of the region at a business breakfast in Vyborg.
“Any business run by women is special, whatever people say. Often it is a social entrepreneurship, in areas of education, beauty and fashion. If a woman becomes a general director of a port, the company immediately finds ways to work with social or environmental matters. Yet, the most important fact is that the beautiful part of the humanity always has creative plans!”, noted the Governor in an Instagram post.
Mr. Alexander Drozdenko highlighted that the government for the region of Leningrad has increased its support to entrepreneurs by 40% and he added that the government “discussed the introduction of educational programmes to provide further development in this area and encourage children to take part in entrepreneurial activities.”
The area of Vyborg was represented by Olga Ansberg, the General Director of Port Logistic LLC and the only female manager of a port in Russia. She was joined by Larisa Fomicheva, a head of a catering company.
It’s worth nothing, that the Government for the region of Leningrad has approved a strategy for development of small and medium entrepreneurship until 2030. The region 47 has become the first region in the country, where such document has been approved. To support SME the region has allocated 114 mln Rub in 2019.
Foto: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu540RylUg3/
Source: https://ivbg.ru/7996038-drozdenko-provel-delovoj-zavtrak-s-zhenshhinami-predprinimatelyami-v-vyborge.html?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium=desktop